The finished designer carrier bag dispenser |
This is something I've been intending to make for quite some time. EVERYBODY needs a plastic carrier bag dispenser. For this to look stylish it was important to purchase the right fabric. I didn't do cheap, I went designer!
Three beautiful designer fabrics for the dispenser |
The colours compliment each other beautifully. I had originally wanted to make a blue and black one but the red fabric kept leaping out at me when I was in the fabric store.
The top and body ready to be constructed |
There is an opening at the top to put the carrier bags and then it's as simple as pulling one out from the bottom as and when you need one.
The body of the dispenser complete |
The top and the body attached together |
The detail gets even better with a contrasting colour thread running across the edge of the black/grey fabric, in this case red. The designer of the pattern, Alicia Thommas (s4h), has done a wonderful job.
Want your own designer carrier bag dispenser? For
£ 1 9 . 9 9 it could be yours. Contact me with colour/pattern scheme.
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