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Celeste the Bunny was created using one of the best books for crafting that I have come across, Felt Friends from Japan by Naomi Tabatha (watch out for my review). You start off by making the head of the bunny following the steps for the bunny’s faun friend. Their heads are identical. I did, however, decide to sew the eyes on as apposed to sticking them on with glue. The ears were somewhat of a surprise. No stuffing required. I thought they’d be floppy but they weren’t. In fact, to my surprise, they were mouldable. So I curled Celeste’s ears.
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The body was much more simple. Although at first sight one would think that the body was far too smallbut upon attachment you realise it really works. I didn’t put the neck all the way into the head for attachment because I knew I wanted to add a ribbon to her neck. Celeste stands 9″ tall.
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The box, however, is completely my own template although the window in the lid is heavily inspired once again by the gazebo box used in several of my other projects. I chose the backing paper from my favourite download website and changed the colours to suit. The box is put together in the same way as the gazebo box.
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The box is deep and is lined with organza which Celeste is lying on. The lid is finished with ribbon and diamantes. The whole thing looks so much more special when displayed in such a gift box.
Design: Felt Template from Felt Friends from Japan by Naomi Tabatha
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Additional: Making a display box can really set of a 3D gift perfectly and with a 3D felt keepsake the organza roll gives it that professional look. Be careful not to make it too deep, this one was.